Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why Books?

Well dinner, sex and men make sense. Add in a good dash of alcohol in the mix to make it all the more interesting and you have the average woman's get together. This of course is all done in lingerie whilst holding the ever present feather pillow in case a fight needs to be settled.

But why the books? Why not settle down to watch a good movie instead of a book? Less effort, much less time consuming and sometimes you get to watch a movie like 300, where countless amazingly toned men run around. On the flip side, you sometimes get to watch Billy Conolly take off his clothes in "The man who sued God". Blergh.

I'm not sure that I can explain to a book hater why books are possibly the most amazing things every invented (and this includes sliced bread by the way). The way that a book captures your imagination and allows you to create a world in your own mind that to you looks perfect is infinitely more appealing then watching Peter Jackson's version. And you can definitely not watch a movie in the bath or on a sun drenched beach,.

All in all, books are by far the cheapest method of both stimulating and entertaining your brain, allowing you to live a million different lives in a million different worlds and all for the price of a library card.

So in fact the question is rather: Why not books?

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