Thursday, May 13, 2010

Are people here just less interested

So a couple of weeks ago, I managed to lock myself out of my flat, I was doing laundry and thus was outside in the hallway in my socks without a jersey or my as i walk out the door having thought that I had disengaged my yale lock i hear the door click shut, but with arms full of just washed laundry I realise that sudddenly throwing it on the ground is going to accomplish nothing and I will just end up making more laundry for myself, I calmly place it in the tumble dryer, I managed to remember to bring the store cupboard key but not the house keys ? anyways, once inside the store cupboard I realise that there is a long legnth of shower door seal plastic lying on the ground, and that the slot in my front door is big enough for me to force 2/3 of my arm through, so I do and spend 20 minutes smelling my dinner burn and trying desperatly to get the door open before one of my neighbours calls the police on me cos I am clearly breaking in...eventually I opened the door to the flat and only the delivery man saw me although he sed nothing so either that kind of behaviour is normal in these here parts or they dont care very much if your being robbed by a shoeless individual...why you may ask did i not just knock on my next door neighbours door and ask to borrow their phone? I have no idea I didnt think of it before and by the time I did I was damned if that door was going to beat me!

And then yesterday, I climbed through a hole in the fence around my flat, and several people saw me do this...not one of them put up their hand cleared their throat and asked just exactly what I was doing...I was late, it was getting dark and I was clearly climbing through a hole in the this normal behavior in Scotland do you think? Or should I be concerned that apparently no one will ask the ax wielding murderer climbing through the fence what it is that he thinks he is doing?

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