In an attempt to be healthy, our food theme this month was salads. All this meant was that we stuffed ourselves spherical with *some veggies, and only like 40% cake and junk food. Massive improvement! The other members will be posting their yummy salad recipes soon (or face my wrath). I made a fruit salad which is not exactly rocket science so no need for me to post a recipe (success!).

Of note this month is that two of our members are currently engaged, which is an increase of 20% from the last meeting we attended. Les verrouiller, Mesdames! I am guessing this means that book club will be more along the lines of 'Weddingsdinnermenweddingsbooks' for the next little while, but c'est la vie!

Two people brought the same book to lend out, Douglas Adam's 'Mostly harmless' which surely must reccommend this work as worth a read. I finally completed the Farseer trilogy (Robin Hobb) with a resounding 'Meh', and the 'Dirty bits for girls' (India Knight) is still making the rounds. We started a new book club game this month, called 66,6 or 88,8 depending on which is funnier. Basically each month we will feature a piece made up entirely of the 6th sentence on the 66th page of each of our books. Dirty bits did its part marvellously this month with something about gaping lady bits, however the entirity of the quote is lost to the sands of time as nobody thought to write it down. Next time, we promise.

Thats all for book club this month, our non book club book club event is going to be a girlie night this Thursday so with the many conflicting viewpoints on what constitutes appropriately girly movies I am sure it will be marvellous. If I didn't know the ladies better my contribution would be the movie 'Sunshine', however I have watched one book club member sit through 'Event Horizon' and I don't want to put her through that again, so perhaps something slightly less terrifying will suffice.
Happy reading!
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